Getting out of debt takes a lot of work. Finding things that help to keep you motivated can be priceless along your journey!
I love T.V. Really, I do. Relaxing on the couch and watching some of my favorite shows – but it does not last long because I cannot not be doing something. So I usually find myself working, folding laundry, or any other more productive activity while watching TV. I hate the feeling of wasting time!
I am also super interested in personal finance (obviously!) After all, it is what I spend my days researching and writing about! In fact, I even have a whole e-course dedicated to it and I even make my own financial planner every year. (Grab yours here). So I have found my self-drawn to some specific shows – that are centered around personal finance!
I almost always have one of these streaming on our desktop computer when I am working on the blog at night!
Getting Out Of Debt? Watch These Shows!
- House Poor- Unfortunately we do not receive this channel on our TV, so I stream it on our computer (For FREE). This show is on Z-Living, and it is all about people who have gotten in over their heads financially, and their homes are paying the price. The families complete money challenges (Reworking their budgets, cutting back expenses, saving money, etc) to earn up to $10,000 for a contractor to come in and “fix” some of their house issues. I am literally watching this show as I type this post. 🙂
- Life or Debt– This show plays on Spike TV, and I really enjoy it. I love that the host Victor- knows his stuff and does not allow the people on his show to make excuses. To watch this show, we stream it on our computer!
- I Am THAT Lady Spendervention– This is a short series that a blogger (I am THAT Lady) I adore created. She is a personal finance guru, and I really enjoy watching her takeover of one families personal finances! I hope she does this more often.
- Suze Orman- I have actually DVR’d a few of her shows, and play them while I am cleaning the main floor of our home. I love hearing callers personal stories – and advice she gives. They may not be producing any new shows, but they are always playing reruns!
- Hidden Money Makeover- This show has not aired yet, but it is promising to be a good one! It will be airing on TLC in early 2017, so keep an eye out for it. This is what the TLC site has to say about it
“Design expert Jill Martin and handyman Gage Cass show people around the country that their dream makeover isn’t out of reach. The jam-packed hour features real-life homeowners who turn their clutter into cash, and transform their eyesore living spaces into aesthetically-pleasing parts of the home.”
I love finding new, fun and easy ways to stay motivated on our Debt Free journey. Every little bit helps. Have you been working hard trying to get out of debt? Does it feel like you are not making the progress that you should be? Then, check out this post! You might be falling victim to one of these 6 reasons why you are not getting out of debt!
Do you have any tips or tricks that help to keep you motivated? I would absolutely LOVE to hear them! Leave me a message in the comments below!
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