Ever since Greyson was just a toddler I have been steadily teaching him his shapes. Starting with the basics, followed by advanced shapes all the way up to 10 sides. Today he will start to learn about 3D shapes! I love working on little units like these. They are fun for him, and it is a great way to break up his everyday curriculum!
He is going to start by completing his 3D Shape Book – followed by a fun timed game!
3D Shapes – How This Works:
- Start by reviewing the shapes – and showing your child some objects in your home that fall into each category.
- In this series I cover Cone, Cube, Pyramid, Cylinder
- Download and print out the 3D shapes book. Cut each page out (leaving the tab attached), Assemble by stapling the left side twice.
- Cut out the object squares and shuffle them
- Have your child trace the name of the shape
- Then they can sort through the objects to find three 3d shapes that match their current shape. Glue the objects into the little dotted circles
- Complete the book – and then show it off! 🙂
Taking it even further
Print out the last 4 pages of the download. Each page represents one of the 3D shapes. I will laminate mine, so I can make them sturdier so we can reuse them!
- Lay them on the table, or the floor
- Set the timer for 5 or 10 minutes (depending on your child)
- Have them race around the house locating as many objects as they can that fit their shapes.
- Taking it even further!!! Download this graphing worksheet – and have them graph their findings!!
This is perfect for preschoolers – kindergartners and a great review for 1st+ graders! I plan on sharing a lot more of these books. I think they will be great for littler learners. I am thinking colors – basic shapes – their name book! The options are endless, and I am excited to create and share them with you!
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